{{tag>traditions}} ====== Brownell Book ====== [{{:brownell_book_page_62_of_pdf_version.jpg?300 |Scanned image of a page selected from [[https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=trinarchives|Brownell Book, p. 62]]. Image credit: Trinity College Archives}}] Also called the Commencement Book, the Brownell Book is an early 19th-century leather-bound record book. Inside the Book, there are details of [[commencement|Commencement]] exercises and degrees, graduation prayers in Latin, and signatures from more recent Trinity College presidential inaugurations. The Book, along with a [[symbols_of_president_s_office|key, mace, and collar]], is bestowed upon incoming presidents during their inauguration. The Brownell Book is named after the [[brownell_thomas_church|Rev. Thomas Church Brownell]] who was elected Bishop of Connecticut in 1819 and later became a founder and the first [[presidents|president]] of Trinity College, then known as [[washington_college|Washington College]]. At the College's first commencement in 1827, Brownell intended for students to place their hand on the Bible as they completed their graduation. College legend states that President Brownell either forgot a Bible or could not find one, and simply used this personal notebook instead. Today, the Brownell Book remains a part of the College's commencement ceremony, during which graduating seniors place a hand on the book. ---- ===== Sources ===== [[https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/trinarchives/9/|Trinity College Commencement Book]] [[https://commons.trincoll.edu/library/2019/10/21/commencement-book-now-available-for-view-in-digital-repository/|“Commencement Book” now available for view in Digital Repository]], 10/21/2019. [[https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=w_books|The History of Trinity College]] (1967) by Glenn Weaver, p. 25. ---- [<>]