{{tag>organizations}} ====== Elms Society ====== The Elms Society honors those who have included Trinity in their estate plans by donating a portion of their assets to the school, or who have donated through a special gift to the school. The name is a reference to the [[elms|elm trees]] planted on Trinity's main quad, and is similar to that of the [[long_walk|Long Walk]] Societies, which are also donation-based, with levels of membership named after Trinity buildings and locations. Trinity recognizes new members with an Elms Society pin, and by listing all alumni who are a part of the Society on its website and in its Annual Report of Philanthropy. Members are also invited to special events with members of the other donation-based societies during annual reunion celebrations and throughout the year. ---- ===== Sources ===== [[https://legacy.trincoll.edu/why-give/elms-society|The Elms Society]] [[https://www.trincoll.edu/alumniandfamilies/give/ways-to-give/elms-society/|Elms Society Membership]] [[https://www.trincoll.edu/alumniandfamilies/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2022/01/2022-Reunion-PROGRAM-_F.pdf|TrinReunion 2022]] ---- [<>]