{{tag>organizations students traditions}} ====== Nests ====== Established in 2015 as part of the [[bantam_network|Bantam Network]], Nests are "networks of care" and support systems for students that encourage community and provide mentorship and resources. The term "Nests" derives from the College's mascot, the [[bantam|Bantam]]. Each Nest is named after an historically significant person, object, or place related to Trinity. Students are placed into a Nest upon entering the College and discover which during their [[convocation|Convocation]] ceremony. Each Nest is comprised of about 40-70 students and has its own Dean as well as faculty advisor (which is the student's First-Year Seminar professor). The Nests and their descriptions are as follows: **Minty** - named for President [[berger-sweeney_joanne|Joanne Berger-Sweeney's]] yellow labrador dog. {{:nests1.jpg?direct&200 |}} **Roosevelt** - named for [[theodore_roosevelt_speech|President Theodore Roosevelt]], who visited the College in 1918, and for whom a [[roosevelt_plaque|plaque]] was installed on the [[long_walk|Long Walk]]. **Book** - named for Bishop Brownell's [[brownell_book|book]], which is traditionally touched during [[commencement|Commencement]]. {{ :nests2.jpg?direct&200|}} **Brownell** - named for [[brownell_thomas_church|Bishop Thomas Church Brownell]], Trinity's first [[presidents|President]]. {{:nests3.jpg?direct&200 |}} **Cannon** - named for the [[cannons|cannons]] from the U.S.S. Hartford, located on the Long Walk. **Lockwood** - named for President [[lockwood_theodore_d|Theodore Lockwood]], who led the College during times of unprecedented change. {{ :nests4.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:nests5.jpg?direct&200 |}}**Lemon** - named for the Trinity tradition of making punch with a [[lemon_squeezer|lemon squeezer]]. **Washington** - named for Trinity's [[washington_college|original name]]. **Elms** - named for the [[elms|trees]] that once lined the Long Walk. **Olmsted** - named for the [[olmsted_frederick_law|architect]] who designed parts of Trinity's campus. In Fall 2022, the [[watkinson_library|Watkinson Library]] housed an exhibit detailing the objects and images relating to the Trinity Nests' names. ---- ===== Sources ===== [[https://www.trincoll.edu/bantam-network/nests/|About the Nests]] ---- [<>]